publish calenader visual PowerBI Report in Teams

 We have a IT maintenance plan Excel spreadsheet, like to present a calendar view of it.

Step 1. open PowerBI Desktop

step 2. Get Data from Excel spreadsheet, not sure why it does't recognize when I copy the Sharepoint folder URL so I use the One Drive synchornized folder in local machine

step 3. From Market place, search Calender, add Custom Calendard by Akavelon.

step 4. add the date and value, I use the target date as date, choose the date instead of the date hirachey which is default. I use number of events as value

step 5 add a table visualization and add required fields.

step 6, add some filters and advanced filter (Relative date filtering) .

step 7. publish it to myworkplace powerbi

step 8, in Teams, click + and choose powerbi, then find the report created in step 1-7.


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