Powershell script to send disk space alerts for a list of servers

 I created a windows task scheduler job and let it run daily to check disk free space on all 200+ database servers I managed and sent email alerts when free space is lower than given criteria.

(btw, I have a nightly job to collecting all free space and save in a database, will blog that later)

first export the list of server names to c:\sql\diskspaceServerList.txt

then copy below to a file named diskspace1.ps1

then create windows task scheduler job and run this script at the time you specified.

$text=Get-Content 'c:\sql\diskspaceServerList.txt'

$receipients='dba@transformsso.ca' <#,'Husam.Ibrahim@transformsso.ca','servicedesk@transformsso.ca'#>



write-host "the total number of computers is $TotalComputers"


For ($i=0; $i -lt $text.Length; $i++) {

    $computername= $text[$i].ToString()

    Write-Host "current check computer $computername";

    if ( ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($computername)))       { continue }

    $GetFreespace= Get-WmiObject -Class win32_volume -ComputerName $computername | Select-Object Name,Label,@{N='free';E={[math]::round($_.freespace / 1GB,2)}}, @{N='capacity';E={[math]::Round($_.capacity / 1GB,2)}}

    foreach($dspace in $GetFreespace) {

        if (($dspace.capacity -gt 0) -and ($dspace.name -match ":")) {

        if($dspace.free * 100 / ($dspace.capacity) -lt $lowPercent) {

                $percent= $dspace.free / ($dspace.capacity)

        $diskspace="<span style='color:red'>"+ $dspace.name + "</span> " + $dspace.label + " free space is <span style='color:red'>" + $dspace.free + "</span>GB out of " +$dspace.capacity + "GB free percent: <span style='color:red'>" + ($percent).ToString(“P”)+"</span>"

                $body= $body + "`n <span style='color:red'> $computername </span> disk space daily check " + $diskspace + "`n</br>"





               $subject="  disk space less than $lowPercent%   " 

                Send-MailMessage -From 'dba@transformsso.ca' -To $receipients -Subject $subject -Body $body  -DeliveryNotificationOption OnSuccess, OnFailure -BodyAsHtml -SmtpServer 'smtp.transformsso.ca'


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